Past meetings 2024
February 19th
March 18th
April 15th
May 20th
June 17th
July 15th
August 19th
September 16th
October 7th
- Deryn Thorpe - Gardens of Italy
Member and Tour Guide, Deryn will take us on a visual
tour to some delightful gardens. - John Burt - 10mn plant profiles
March 18th
- Digby Growns - from Kings Park will talk on new developments with Geraldton Wax plants (Chamelauciums) on 18 March, our AGM evening.
April 15th
- Michael Noonan - from Poste nursery on landscaping
- Katelyn Fox - shot hole borers Dept (dpird)
May 20th
- Katie Bird - from the Zoo and Kanyana Wildlife on Insects and Birds in our gardens.
June 17th
- Faye Arcaro - "How to create a garden sanctuary"
July 15th
- Robbie McGuire - from Kojonup will tell us about starting a new garden.
August 19th
- Brian Klepzig - From Neutrog will talk about his products
- Deryn Thorpe - Short talk on Japanese Gardens
September 16th
- Diego Oliveira - Will introduce us on the wonderful world of mushrooms
- Short talk by Nick Clayton on Mineral Magic
October 7th
- Nancy Scade - From the Australian Native Nursery who will cover the topic of ‘Know Your Soils’ in relation to welcoming Australian flora into our gardens.
- Ruth Robertson - who will share her visit to a beautiful garden in England. This was not only an historic walled garden of infinite variety but was run and maintained by volunteers. The garden appears on the Tourist Bureau’s list of ‘ten things you must see in the Lake District’.
Past meetings 2023
February 20th
Dale Tilbrook – Australian Native Edibles
March 20th
April 17th
gardening talkback.
May 15th
June 19th
July 17th
August 21st
September 18th
October 30th
November 20th
Dale Tilbrook – Australian Native Edibles
- An acknowledged expert on ‘bush tucker’, whose advice is sought after by chefs, distillers and brewers, Dale will introduce us to the amazing array of edible native ingredients. She will also bring examples for sale.
- Jenny Beahan - Garden Design in a Bush Environment
Coping with the tree canopy and integrating the garden with the natural environment is not easy! Jenny will share some of her experiences, insights and images from her own garden.
March 20th
- Simon - from Simon’s Garden Nursery will be talking on dahlias as
April 17th
- Darren Seinor - from Garden Solutions Landscaping will be talking
gardening talkback.
- Lyn Chambers - will give a short talk on Tulips.
May 15th
- Josh Byrne - will talk about his home garden and how he gets the best out
June 19th
- Michael Bradley - of the Little Veggie Patch will be demonstrating his range of wicking beds, some as small as pots, and providing information for beginners on how to successfully grow vegetables this way.
- Irene Daniels - will give a short talk on epiphytes & hoyas.
July 17th
- Marie Redfern - will be demonstrating the techniques for pruning different types of roses. She will have potted roses to work on - and the pruned roses will be added to our raffle table afterwards
Marie worked with Bob Melville for many years and loves pruning. - Merrilyn Mellis - will give a short talk and show her lovely slides of the Singapore Botanic Gardens.
August 21st
- Linda Mitchener - of the Green Life Soil Co will tell us her secrets for healthy soil.
- Regan Keens - a new member, will talk about the Murdoch Community Gardens.
September 18th
- Bianca Dallas - from Yates will give a talk on Yates products and give out samples, I believe. Simon Wright will give a short talk on sweet peas and planting dahlia tubers
October 30th
- Kingsley Dixon - will talk about restoring Cypress Farm, his property outside Waroona. This was a huge task and is ongoing. We will have the opportunity to visit the property again in early November.
November 20th
- Frances Docherty - will speak about 5 gardens she recently visited in Scotland.
Past meetings 2022
February 21st
- Flower Visitors – the 6 legged kind - Sue Jaggar
the pollination and biological control services provided by our native bees and flies,
and share with us some of her stunning close-up photographs.
March 21st (AGM)
- A Gardener’s Journey - Matthew Lunn
Association and of Open Gardens WA. Matthew’s gardening journey spans a
wealth of places, roles and perspectives. He is actively involved in all things
gardening, including the Perth Garden Festival.
April 18th
- Nest Boxes and Habitat Creation - Simon Cherriman
understanding of wildfire issues. He was featured on Gardening Australia with
Josh Byrne last year. He will have some nest boxes, bird prints, DVDs and possibly
his new book available for sale.
- The Joys of Self-Seeding: Jan Russell-Brown
from a previous season, plants which pop up for free add a touch of wildness to
your garden and can provide enormous pleasure.
May 16th
- The Art of Bird Photography - Dusty Miller
will he present some wonderful images, but an explanation of how he achieves
them. See nest building, feeding young and other natural behaviours through
the eyes of a skilled photographer.
- Learning from Members - Anita Emery and Ben Mayo
“Ben is a keen collector of unusual plants, and will give a brief insight into some of his collecting and growing
June 20th
- Faye Arcaro: Fascinating Fungi – and Friend
presenter and keen photographer of micro life forms, horticulturalist Faye Arcaro will share some of
her amazing close-up finds and knowledge of fungi and friends.
- Deryn Thorpe: Favourite Overseas Gardens-Now that we can travel again, visiting wonderful gardens overseas becomes possible once more. Podcaster, tour guide, event manager and more, member Deryn Thorpe will tempt you by sharing some of her favourites.
- Plant grower and fount of knowledge, Denise will open this wide-ranging discussion night with another of her enjoyable and practical video presentations.
Everyone can be involved in talking about plants, sharing growing experiences and learning from others. Bring
along anything interesting for the display tables, which will be part of this special evening.
August 15th
- Faye Smith: Something Else You Didn’t Know…
- Cynthia Mahony: More from Behind the Scenes as a Garden Selector
second instalment.
September 19 Paul Armishaw - Why We Tend Gardens
- The idea of a sacred garden, tree, waterfall or vineyard is part of the mythological basis for tending gardens. Dr Paul Armishaw from Remida will take a look back in time, and explain why symbolism is still relevant for our gardens.
- Merrilyn Mellis – My Hills Garden in Miniature
wonderful array of plants in her garden.
October 31 Kliti Grice – Fossilisation of Plants and Insects
- Professor Kliti Grice from Curtin University will share her passion for fossils and what we can learn from them about how environments and ecologies change. This knowledge has valuable applications for our own times.
- Sandra Murphy – Nostalgia in Inner Suburbia
memories from earlier days.
November 21 : Cyrus Roussilhes : Unusual Fruiting Trees for Perth metro and an intro. to starting a food
jungle using the syntropic method.
- He will cover easy ways to grow subtropicals with syntropic design, new and rare fruit trees that are easy to grow in Perth, and extra uses from your fruit trees. He will also bring an assortment of fruit trees that aren’t typically available at most nurseries.
- Lorraine Douglas – Mystery Plant Profile
selection; we may not know it in advance, but we’re certain to know more afterwards!
Past meetings 2021
February 15th
bring some rare seeds for sale.
limestone, sandy soil and salt-laden winds,so practises what she writes, reads and talk about.
May 17th
collector, who will give an insight into gardens and plants from earlier days to the present.
June 21 st
diseases in the garden, naturally.
Australia China Friendship Society for the last 10 years has since done several study tours and sister
city celebrations. Our members are a wonderful fount of knowledge!
July 19 th
information and advice, even some quiz questions. Come along for a meeting with a difference!
August 16 th
proofing roses against chilli thrips and other sap suckers. Not to be missed!!
September 20th
Perth, who will give you all the information you need to keep your indoor and patio plants alive and
October 18th (John McGrath Pavilion)
its current status as a leading grower and supplier of quality plants. He will also talk about some of the latest
trials and may even have some for sale. Don’t miss it!
November 22nd
February 15th
- Tracking Western Australia’s Flora
Dr John Huisman, Curator of the WA Herbarium will be discussing the role of
the Herbarium in collecting, describing and mapping WA flora for close to
a century, as well as his specialist area of Marine Plants of WA, an area not
generally known about. - March 15th(+AGM)
- Trials and Tribulations of Restoring a Garden - The five year rebuilding of Cypress Farm. Professor Kinglsey Dixon will inspire, educate and entertain as he shares some of his experiences in the rejuvenation of his wonderful Waroona property.
- Put some Outback Colour out the Front. WA's diverse Daisies.
bring some rare seeds for sale.
- Mediterranean Gardening - Where What and Why
limestone, sandy soil and salt-laden winds,so practises what she writes, reads and talk about.
May 17th
- Historic Gardens of Perth
collector, who will give an insight into gardens and plants from earlier days to the present.
- Plant Profiles - Some Old Favourites
June 21 st
- Natural Pest Control - Lisa Passmore
diseases in the garden, naturally.
- Traditional Features of Chinese Gardens – Fran Kinninmonth
Australia China Friendship Society for the last 10 years has since done several study tours and sister
city celebrations. Our members are a wonderful fount of knowledge!
July 19 th
- All About Plants – Jan Russell-Brown
information and advice, even some quiz questions. Come along for a meeting with a difference!
August 16 th
- Getting Ready for Summer – Sabrina Hahn
proofing roses against chilli thrips and other sap suckers. Not to be missed!!
September 20th
- House Plants – Sharon Barbera
Perth, who will give you all the information you need to keep your indoor and patio plants alive and
- What’s in a Name? Find out how some of our house plants got their names…
October 18th (John McGrath Pavilion)
- Domus – Past and Present – David Underwood
its current status as a leading grower and supplier of quality plants. He will also talk about some of the latest
trials and may even have some for sale. Don’t miss it!
- Great Grevilleas – Some of our members share their favourite Grevilleas.
November 22nd
- Natural Swimming Ponds – Tony Green Swim amongst fish and water lilies in clean clear water? Tony Green, from Think Green Landscapes and Waterscapes will explain how this is possible. His approach is very plant focused and uses local, natural and recycled products to create natural swimming ponds.
Past meetings 2020
February 17th
March 16th (AGM)
October19th (At the John McGrath Hall)
- Sabrina Hahn - Anyone who has pulled on a gardening glove in Western Australia knows her name. Sabrina is a gardener with many talents: educator, author, an accomplished presenter with broad practical experience and local knowledge. Her environmental credentials and understanding of gardening in WA will invigorate and amuse you.
March 16th (AGM)
- Matthew Lunn - CEO of Nursery and Garden Industry WA
- Ellen Walker - Marvellous Microbes – Ellen is one of the founding partners of Earthwhile Australia and delights in revealing the magical world of soil microbes. You will see the view from powerful microscopes and learn about how microbes help your garden, and how you can help them.
- Plant Profiles – Michael Konrath and Ruth Robertson. Learn from two of our resident experts about some of the unexpected treasures from our plant display.
October19th (At the John McGrath Hall)
- Marcelle Coakley - Pleasurable Food Education . Marcelle is the Membership Coordinator for the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation and looks after nearly 200 WA schools and early years centres as they learn about the cycle of growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing fresh seasonal produce.
- Celebrating Trees – a presentation in support of this year’s theme for the Garden Clubs of Australia’s National Gardening Week. Be informed, involved, and inspired!
- Natasha Bowden - WA’s Real Seasons - Natasha is the Education and Promotion Manager at SERCUL (South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare), and will share her knowledge of the Noongar Six Seasons, and of the plants available for food and other uses during each season.
- Jacques Maissin- Bunya Bunya- Learn about a bush food eaten by dinosaurs, nurtured by our indigenous people, and how you can use Bunya nuts today.
Past meetings 2019
February 18th
March 18th (AGM)
April 15th
May 20th
June 17th
July 15th
August 12th
September 16th
October 21th
November 18th
- Alison Smith - Western Australia comes to the Eden Project - Alison is a horticulturalist is Horticultural Coordinator at the Western Australian Botanic Gardens. She was part of the team who in 2017 went to the Eden Project in Cornwall, England to help set up the Western Australian Exhibit in the Mediterranean Climate Zone
March 18th (AGM)
- Sue McDougall - From Welder to Radio Presenter - Much loved media personality Sue McDougall will tell us about her eventful journey from teenage nursery owner, through chance media presenter, a career in horticulture
April 15th
- Merilyn Ide -Fascinating Places – A Visual Feast - Will give us a glimpse of the sights of Morocco (think Marakesh, Casablanca, Fez, the Atlas Mts and Rabat), Faye Smith will introduce us to Samares Manor on Jersey Island. A whirlwind tour for your enjoyment.
- George Hoad - President of The Garden Clubs of Australia will give us a few words about the GCA.
May 20th
- “Your Garden with Josh Byrne” - Dr Josh Byrne an environmental scientist and sustainability expert is better known to us as our local presenter of Gardening Australia. He will be providing us with ideas and inspiration to create a successful garden while doing our bit to help our Swan and Canning River Catchment.
June 17th
- Leanne Oakley Native Orchids in Western Australia - Leanne and husband Keith spend many weekends in the bush, looking for and photographing birds and wildflowers, with a particular interest in native orchids. This presentation will include rare and unusual specimens.
- Linda Mitchell Travels with our Austin Healy - Linda says she ‘married’ an Austin Healy, which has since taken her on many overseas trips and all over Australia. Her travels have also allowed her to visit some wonderful gardens overseas. Listen to where love of a car can take you!
July 15th
- Deryn Thorpe Gardens and Natural Wonders of Tasmania - Deryn is a fanatical gardener and a print and radio garden journalist who is passionate about communicating her love of gardening. She also works as a garden consultant and tour guide. Her Podcast All the Dirt which she hosts with Steve Wood won the Horticultural Media Association’s 2018 Audio Award.
- Denise Sorbara Plant Profile - Plant grower extraordinaire, Denise, will feature a plant growing in her own luxuriant garden, with advice on how to grow it in your garden.
August 12th
- Daniel Varischetti - Tropical gardening in Perth.
- Ruth Robertson Gardens of the Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain - Ruth will give us an insight into the gardens of the Alhambra Palace complex, including the summer palace of the Generalife. They are a prime example of East Mediteranean tradition of garden-making.
September 16th
- Kim Holbrook - Amazing Chile
- kingsley Gray - My Gardening Journey
October 21th
- Digby Growns - New and Pipeline Plant Varieties from Kings Park Breeding Programme
- Merrilyn Mellis - Gardens of India
November 18th
- Craig Woodroffe - Small Trees for our Gardens
Past meetings 2018
February 19th
April 16th
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th
September 10th
October 15th
November 19th
- Professor Kingsley Dixon - Native Plants, Japanese Maples and Beyond - My Garden above Waroona.
- Paul Ray - from Red Rock Nursery on Insectivorous Plants.
- Sabrina Hahn - The Effects of Climate Change and how it affects our gardening.
April 16th
- Kim Holbrook - Plants and other Wonders of Peru - Part 2
- Ruth Robertson - Japanese Gardens .
- Lyn Chambers-Practical information on planting and growing bulbs in WA.
- Ruth Kempton - Head of the Flora Docents at the Zoo - Perth’s First Botanical Gardens.
June 18th
- Toni Burbidge - After a Bushfire – Making a Difference
- Plant Profiles - by Member Experts
July 16th
- David Edmonds - from Orchidup in Walpole
- Colin Scott - Community Gardens
August 20th
- Deryn Thorpe - Italian Gardens
- Paul Kay - Moth Collecting
September 10th
- David Cook - Cyber Safety and You
- Paul Beveridge - From Perth Hills Vege Co.
October 15th
- Jackie Hooper - Australian plants for small spaces
- Merrilyn Mellis - Friendship gardens in Sydney
November 19th
- Steve Wood - A Shakespearean Garden Featuring Plants from the 16thCentury
- GCWA 25th Anniversary
Past meeting 2017
February 20th
March 20th
April 17th
May 15th
June 19th
July 17th
August 21st
September 11th
October 16th
November 20th
- Sabrina Hahn - Community Gardens – A different perspective
March 20th
- Calinda Anderson - (from Woodvale Fish and Lily Farm) Aquaponic Kits and small water features
April 17th
- Joe Tassone from Tass1trees - Tropical fruit trees for Perth
- Ro Birrell - My Grandfather’s Garden
May 15th
- Dr. Darryl Hardie - from Department of Agriculture and food - Pest and diseases ID and reporting
- Lorraine Douglas Ayrlies Garden in New Zealand
June 19th
- Eric McCrum - Wild flowers of WA
July 17th
- Tim Jenkins - Looking after your physical health in the garden
- Frances Docherty- Tasmanian Travels
August 21st
- Deryn Thorpe - Gardens of Victoria
September 11th
- Kim Holbrook - 'Plant and other wonders of Peru'
- Lorraine Piercy and Sue Braidwood - 'Singapore Slingers'
October 16th
- Bob Melville - New release Roses
November 20th
- Steve Wood - 'Why Organic Matters'
Past meeting 2016
February 15th / 2016
March 21st
May 16th
June 20th
July 18th
August 15th
September 19th
October 10th
November 21st
- Andrew Hall -- Holmes Road Whole- Colourful Plants Flowering in Perth
- Cynthia Mahony / Florence McRae -- Cairns, Tropical Gardens.
March 21st
- Scott Robinson – Zephyranthes Nursery, 78 Great Northern Hwy, MIDLAND.
- Scott will speak about “Suitable Plants for our Climate”.
- Jan Russell-Brown & Ruth Robertson -- Alaska. A quirky little garden .
May 16th
- Felicity’s Garden – Penny Morgan will talk on growing Olives. Olive Oil, Tapenades & Dukkah
- Debra Pearson -- DSATCO Lupin Mulch and Decorative Worm Farms. Both are a must have for your garden.
June 20th
- Kevin Collins – Mt Barker Banksia Farm – The only place in the world where you will find 79 species of Banksia.
- Matthew Landers - Flower arranging - Matthew runs his own floristry academy where he trains florists and runs courses for members of the public
July 18th
- Deryn Thorpe – Deryn will speak about “Autumn Foliage and Colour in the garden.
- Jan Russell-Brown -- Plants for a purpose
August 15th
- Julie Kinney – The Garden Wanderer - Julie is returning to talk about her new book
- Ben Mayo - Plant profile
September 19th
- Simon Briggs- Sales representative from Baileys
- Ruth Robertson – Bodnant Gardens
October 10th
- Mark Tucek from HortBiz –Tucker Bush Plants. The new range of bush food plants.
- Daniel Baker Assistant Manager Facilities and Environment at Perth Zoo - Creature compost.
November 21st
- Kim Holbrook - The Huntington gardens
Past meeting 2015
Past meeting 2015
16th February
16th March - AGM
20th April
18th May
15th June
July 20th
August 17th
September 21st
October 12th
November 16th
- Lorna Barnett and Cathy Cocks -- Haughty Culture -- An entertaining presentation on Garden Design and Landscaping.
- Nieve Smyth -- Photos taken from 8 Botanical Gardens
16th March - AGM
- Julie Kinney -- Armchair Travelling in the UK
20th April
- Nigel Thompson -- Walled Gardens
- Ruth Robertson and Jan Russell Brown -- Butchart Gardens in Victoria, Canada
18th May
- Darren Senior from Garden Solutions -- Landscaping your gardens
- Cynthia Mahony -- Different Gardens from my tour of England, Scotland, Ireland and Europe.
15th June
- Paul Kay from Forrestdale Garden Centre -- Beautiful Cliveas
- Merrilyn Mellis -- The Other Chelsea
July 20th
- Jean Evans -- Camellias.
- Frances Docherty -- Photos from the S.W garden tour.
- Ben Mayo -- Plant profile Ipomoea.
August 17th
- Gemma McQuade from Yates and Deryn Thorpe -- will do a joint talk on “Keeping Your Garden Looking Good: Fertilizers, Soil Improvement and Tricks of the Trade” This is a good topic for discussion as “2015 is the Year For Improving The Soil.”
- Rachel Davison -- Fruit Fly Control.
September 21st
- Digby Growns -- is a plant breeder from Kings Park, and will do a presentation on “New Varieties and Future Varieties” of some of the plants produced at Kings Park. Digby will also show some of the special new Grevilleas.
- Faye Smith -- A power point presentation of Gardens in Europe which Faye has visited on her travels.
- Jan Russell Brown -- will talk about wind tolerant plants.
October 12th
- Dr David Henderson -- “Birds and Plants”. David Henderson is a cactus grower, teacher, an avid bird watcher and International traveler. David is also a member of the Cactus and Succulent Society.
- Kim Holbrook -- Xilitla (pronounced Hay-lit-la) A little bit of mystery!!!
November 16th
- Bob Hunter -- Succulents.
- John Burt -- Plant profile – Pawpaws.
Past meeting 2014
17th - February
17th - March
21st - April
19th - May
16th June
21st July
18th August
15th September
20th October
27th November
- Eric McCrum - Frogs in the Garden
- Ruth Robertson - Insel Mainu Garden, Germany
17th - March
- Janine Mendell -- Small Gardens
- Jacques Maissin - Flora and Fauna in Bali
21st - April
- Debra Pearson -- “Chooks”
- Ben Mayo -- Tropaeolum Azureum/Tricolour (Nasturtium)
19th - May
- Kathy Bafile -- Smarty Plants
- Merrilyn Mellis -- Gardens by the Bay (Singapore)
16th June
- Charles Otway -- Permaculture
- Nieve Smith -- The Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show
21st July
- Kim Noonan -- Supporting our local Nurseries
- Ruth Robertson -- Green Manure
18th August
- John Cole -- Beautiful Camelias; Supporting our local nurseries
- Len Burton -- How to care for Kangaroo Paws
15th September
- Steve Woods -- How to keep bees in the home garden
- Matija -- A plant profile "Matija's Choice"
20th October
- David Venning -- The Importance of Seed Collection
- John Burt -- Gardens of Japan and Japanese Culture
27th November
- Derryn Thorpe -- 2014 Garden Tour to England, Italy and France
- George Abbott -- New Products from Fertiworx
Past meeting 2013
18th - February
15th July
19th August
16th September
7th October - AGM
18th November
- Matthew Lunn - Landscape by Design
- Merilyn Ide Travellers Tales: France, Turkey, Italy and Greece
- Margy Clema - salvias for all occasions
- Pamela Turton - Garden Designers at the Garden Design Fest - (Mardi Gregory assisting)
- George Abbott -- Fertilizers
- Roger Broinowski -- Geraniums/Hibiscus
- Matija Vassiliou -- Plant Profile -- Rangoon Creeper
- Chris/Matija -- Gardeners’ Market
- Tim Parker -- Wicking Beds/Vegies/Permaculture
- Deryn Thorpe -- Roses for Pots
- Plant Profile -- Lepenchinia Salviae
- Josh Byrne -- New Book/Signing
- Ruth Robertson -- Keukenhof Second Hand Book Sale
- Ben Mayo -- plant Profile -- HOLMSKIOLDIA TAITENSIS. It's quite a rare plant and very pretty
15th July
- Helen Gryzb -- Open Gardens New Season
- Merrilyn Mellis -- Miserden Park Gardens/Gloucestershire
- Second Hand Book Sale
19th August
- Lisa Passmore -- New seasons plants for SPRING
- Kim Holbrook -- Succulents
- Plant Profile
16th September
- Steve Woods -- Homemade Compost/ Micro Greens
- Cynthia Mahony -- Victorian Gardens
- Ian Stannard -- Plant Profile
7th October - AGM
- Trevor Nottle - Special Guest Plants suitable for Medierannean Climate/Heritage Roses
18th November
- Josh Byrne - Special Guest
- New Book Signing
- Christmas Celebration
Past meeting 2012
20th - February
- Rex and Jessie Hardy – Succulents and More
- Ruth Robertson - Plant Profile
- Andrew Hall - Hope Valley Nursery Geraniums and Pelargoniums (New Survivor Range and various others)
- Cynthia Mahony - Member - A Station Yarn
- Jacques Maissin – Member - Plant profile (Michelia Champaka and 2 species of Pandan)
- David Pooley - Fuschias •Lyn Chambers - Tulips With A Difference
- Matija Vassiliou - Member - Report from the Melbourne International Flower Show
- Matthew Lunn - The Education of a Gardener and Power point display of Landscaping
- Anita Emery (Member) - Plant Profile - Ginger
- David Proudmore - Swan Valley Gourmet Fungi - Mushrooms
- Kim Fletcher - Begonias
- Cheryl Holmes - Hydroponics
- Len Burton - Kings Park in Spring
- Harlen Henderson - Plants4Perth on-line nursery
- Lorraine Douglas & Kim Holbrook- Members - Cactus
- Max Crohurst - Kings Park Grevillias
- Deryn Thorpe - Member - Five Years - five favourite fancies
- Neville Passmore - Biowise Compost
- Matija Vassiliou - Member - plant profile and Auckland Botanics
Past meeting 2011
21st - February
21st - March
18th - April
16th - May
20th - June
18th - July
15th - August
19th - September
19th - October
21st - November
- Deryn Thorpe – Improving our Perth soil and inspiration for our summer gardens
- Lorrie Gray – Traveller’s Tales from Iceland
21st - March
- Jennie Jamieson – Bulbs
- Margy Clema – The best of the big salvias and a Garden Week preview
18th - April
- Jackie Hooper – “Patio Perfect” Australian plants in containers
- Linda Green – “Perky Pinks” – new plants with pink flowers and foliage
16th - May
- Bruce Bebbington – Lavender Fields of Bridgetown
- Cathy Cocks -- HAUGHTY CULTURE -- Dry With a Twist
20th - June
- George Abbott -- FERTIWORX -- Home and Garden Products
- Cynthia Mahony -- Member -- Cottage Garden Friends
18th - July
- Vivienne Etter -- SWISS ROSE NURSERY --Climbing Roses
- Jennifer Rupp -- OPEN GARDENS
15th - August
- Louise Blom -- Member -- African Violets
- Chris Hardie -- Member -- ‘Memoirs’
19th - September
- Kathy Bafile -- HOW ABOUT HERBS
- Matija Vassiliou -- Member --Plant Profile
19th - October
- Toadbusters! - Gary Pike
- Jacques Maissin -- Member -- ‘My Garden’
21st - November
- David Pooley -- Fantastic Fuchsias
- Ken Adcock (member) -- Desert Rose (Adenium obesum)
Past meeting 2010
15-February (country supper)
Frances welcomed our first speaker, Phil James of Orange Valley Nursery whose topic was “What is an Eremophila?” Phil told us that his background training had nothing to do with horticulture, in the past having been a technical quality manager for a large multi national company in concrete/clay/terrazzo. He has been an avid plant person for many years. However, 10 years ago he decided to specialise in a native plant Eremophila, Up to 3 years ago there was no specific book on Eremophila until Bob Chinnock published in 2007. Phil is a member of the Friends of Australian Arid Lands Botanic Gardens, Port Augusta and the Eremophila study group.
This was followed by Anita Emery, whose particular interest is in plants that are different or hard to grow. In addition to being a qualified Floral Art Rose Judge and a General Horticultural Judge, she belongs to the Orchid Society of WA, the Fern Society, the Rose Society and is part of the Paphiopedilum Study Group. She presented a talk on Scadoxus and Haemanthus - the Blood Lilies.
Finally Linda Green presented her plant profile on Capers.
15-March - AGM
The first business of the evening was the AGM with special ‘thankyou’ presentations made to Margaret Robinson, Blanche Bilson, Linda Green, Margaret Reynolds and Christine Hebiton. Chris Hardie takes over as Secretary. Retiring coordinators, Louise (kitchen), Pamela (library), Linda & Jan (door) and Lorraine (plants) all received a special ‘thankyou’ and new coordinators Errol and Len (door), Ros (kitchen roster) Rena (plant sales) and Merrilyn (programming) were warmly welcomed
Frances then introduced Pam Hind who took us on a vivid pictorial trip around the National Trust Gardens in Wales and other gardens in the west of England.
19 - April
Frances welcomed all members to a special presentation of a Great Gardens Workshop.
John Colwill, Peter Coppin and Tim Lawrence are just three of the ‘Great Gardens’ Team - a group of independent award winning consultants, landscapers, educators and plantsmen who between them have over 200 years experience in sustainable gardening, energy efficiency and resource management in Western Australia.
‘Great Gardens’ workshops have been designed to inspire, inform, educate and empower participants to live sustainably within their region. Specifically to show participants how they can have a beautiful landscape and house that costs less, uses a fraction of the water, energy and nutrients while producing less waste. A house and garden that produces home grown food and is naturally cooler in Summer and warmer in Winter despite the rigors of the seasons.
Major sponsors of these workshops are the Water Corporation, Swan River Trust and Synergy. They also partner a wide range of Local Government Authorities, Government Agencies, funding organisations, Community Groups and local businesses. With this help, the Great Gardens programme is free of charge to participants.
John Colwill opened the Presentation by introducing Peter Coppin, the leading expert in WA on fruit trees and many other tree related matters, and Tim Lawrence, who is an ex-president of Men of the Trees and the brains behind ‘Mulchnet’.
At the end of the presentation, a veritable spread of tasty food provided by the Great Gardens Team was enjoyed by the attending members. Thank you Great Gardens Team!
17 - May
Ro introduced the meeting on a very cold night. Dawsons were again thanked for their generous donations to the raffle table. If members want to go on Dawsons email list they can then receive early notice of any special offers that the company is making.
Merrilyn Mellis, our new events coordinator then introduced speakers, Dr Jenni Ahmat, Managing Director & Wayne Challis Technical Director (Soil & plant nutrition) from Stocktech Australia., a new WA Co. that formulates environmentally friendly fertilisers and animal nutrition supplements. Finally, Frank Blackwell, Secretary of the WA Chrysanthemum Society Inc. told us about the best way to get stunning blooms whether for competition or in the garden, and introduced the small Charm and Cascade chrysanthemums.
Linda did a forum on feedback from the Great Gardens Workshop.
21 - June
Frances welcomed all members, new members and our three guest speakers. Kingsley’s photos of the fair were shown as a slide show.
Merrilyn then introduced each of our guest speakers: Peg Davies, who is currently the Waste Education Officer at Mindarie Regional Council where she tells us that she will talk rubbish to anyone who will listen. She visits schools and helps them set up recycling systems, composting, worm farming and school gardens with an emphasis on reducing the waste that we throw away. She also works in a voluntary capacity in community gardens and at a community centre. She is interested in community involvement and showing people how to transform rubbish into beauty and productivity She will told us about the education programme called ‘Earth Carers’.
Our second speaker was Marion Raad-Chenailler of Greentech. Marion is French and has been in Australia for 20 years. She has been importing the biodegradable plant fibre ‘fertilpot’ for 16 years, distributing them throughout Australia. Marion explained why she is convinced that biodegradable pots are the future for horticulture.
Tilley and Andrew Govanstone, who are presently in WA promoting their book, gave us a taste of their fascination with Alister Clark roses that led them to write “The Women Behind the Roses”. This book is the culmination of 25 years of research. The first print run is almost sold out and a second print is imminent. Many thanks go to Tilley and Andrew, who have generously donated a signed copy of their book to the Circle’s library.
19 - July
Frances welcomed everyone.
Last October, Carol Mansfield gave us a most interesting talk on garden plants from South America and their collectors. This time she returned to talk to us about plant hunting in the Himalayas.
Michael Konrath selected more than forty small trees that he suggests would be suitable for a small garden or courtyard, and Barbara Kerr did a plant profile on Iresines to acquaint us with their showy foliage.
16 - August
Speakers were:
*Phil Palmer, a landscape architect with the National Trust of Australia (WA), responsible for the care and management of the grounds and landscape settings of their many properties throughout Western Australia;
*Dan Dowsett, the Bee Whisperer from the WA Apiarists’ Society. He spoke on Bees and Honey in Suburbia
*Frances Docherty took us on a pictorial, botanical trip of her holiday in Scotland in May 2010.
20 - September
Louise, Aileen and Frances went to the Jean Willis Aged Care Centre and gave a presentation with the theme, ‘Gardening into your later years’. If there is a similar request in the future, there could be a call for volunteers.
Speakers were:
*Liz Compagnoni who has been a poultry breeder for over 40 years, firstly breeding for her own pleasure, then venturing into exhibition of her poultry, winning many awards for quality.
*Bob Dixon, manager of biodiversity and extensions at Kings Park, who took us behind the scenes and showed us that there is more to Kings Park than lawns, gardens, playgrounds and bushland.
*Michael Konrath reviewed 3 DVDs – The Heart of a Garden, Waterwise Gardening and How to grow Trees and Shrubs by Tom Petherick.
18 - October
Frances made us aware that next year (2011/12) the President and Vice President will be retiring after 3 years, the Treasurer and Programmer will be unable to continue, so the Circle will be looking for new committee persons. Michael Konrath has nominated for the Special Events coordinator position. Matija Vassilou has nominated for the Treasurer’s position.
Members were reminded to bring any books that they no longer wanted for our second hand book table at the Fair.
Speakers were:
*Ty Webb who has been on the committee for most of the 25 years he has been with the Bonsai Society of WA (Inc). As he told us about the principles of bonsai, he worked on a Lilly Pilly.
*Don Grieves gave us some very useful tips on growing and having fun breeding Louisiana Iris.
*Pam Hind gave us her hints on Photographing Gardens and Flowers
*Linda Green who gave us an update on the equipment now available for use at the Circle meetings, and tips on how to prepare your material to simplify your digital presentations.
15 - November
In addition to previous nominations for the committee Jean Holbrook has now nominated as the kitchen coordinator, and Cynthia Mahony will be the new programmer.
*The evening meeting commenced with a lively flower arranging demonstration by Barbara Kerr and Anita Emery.
*Following this, Jeanne Black, Katherine Ardizzone and Margy Clema were awarded life membership. After sharing with us some of their early memories of the Circle, Frances presented each of them with the Gardeners’ Circle Life Member badge and a flower arrangement to mark the special occasion.
*Each member received a plant - an early Christmas gift from the Gardeners’ Circle.
*This was followed by a special Christmas Country Supper, the last for 2010.
Frances welcomed our first speaker, Phil James of Orange Valley Nursery whose topic was “What is an Eremophila?” Phil told us that his background training had nothing to do with horticulture, in the past having been a technical quality manager for a large multi national company in concrete/clay/terrazzo. He has been an avid plant person for many years. However, 10 years ago he decided to specialise in a native plant Eremophila, Up to 3 years ago there was no specific book on Eremophila until Bob Chinnock published in 2007. Phil is a member of the Friends of Australian Arid Lands Botanic Gardens, Port Augusta and the Eremophila study group.
This was followed by Anita Emery, whose particular interest is in plants that are different or hard to grow. In addition to being a qualified Floral Art Rose Judge and a General Horticultural Judge, she belongs to the Orchid Society of WA, the Fern Society, the Rose Society and is part of the Paphiopedilum Study Group. She presented a talk on Scadoxus and Haemanthus - the Blood Lilies.
Finally Linda Green presented her plant profile on Capers.
15-March - AGM
The first business of the evening was the AGM with special ‘thankyou’ presentations made to Margaret Robinson, Blanche Bilson, Linda Green, Margaret Reynolds and Christine Hebiton. Chris Hardie takes over as Secretary. Retiring coordinators, Louise (kitchen), Pamela (library), Linda & Jan (door) and Lorraine (plants) all received a special ‘thankyou’ and new coordinators Errol and Len (door), Ros (kitchen roster) Rena (plant sales) and Merrilyn (programming) were warmly welcomed
Frances then introduced Pam Hind who took us on a vivid pictorial trip around the National Trust Gardens in Wales and other gardens in the west of England.
19 - April
Frances welcomed all members to a special presentation of a Great Gardens Workshop.
John Colwill, Peter Coppin and Tim Lawrence are just three of the ‘Great Gardens’ Team - a group of independent award winning consultants, landscapers, educators and plantsmen who between them have over 200 years experience in sustainable gardening, energy efficiency and resource management in Western Australia.
‘Great Gardens’ workshops have been designed to inspire, inform, educate and empower participants to live sustainably within their region. Specifically to show participants how they can have a beautiful landscape and house that costs less, uses a fraction of the water, energy and nutrients while producing less waste. A house and garden that produces home grown food and is naturally cooler in Summer and warmer in Winter despite the rigors of the seasons.
Major sponsors of these workshops are the Water Corporation, Swan River Trust and Synergy. They also partner a wide range of Local Government Authorities, Government Agencies, funding organisations, Community Groups and local businesses. With this help, the Great Gardens programme is free of charge to participants.
John Colwill opened the Presentation by introducing Peter Coppin, the leading expert in WA on fruit trees and many other tree related matters, and Tim Lawrence, who is an ex-president of Men of the Trees and the brains behind ‘Mulchnet’.
At the end of the presentation, a veritable spread of tasty food provided by the Great Gardens Team was enjoyed by the attending members. Thank you Great Gardens Team!
17 - May
Ro introduced the meeting on a very cold night. Dawsons were again thanked for their generous donations to the raffle table. If members want to go on Dawsons email list they can then receive early notice of any special offers that the company is making.
Merrilyn Mellis, our new events coordinator then introduced speakers, Dr Jenni Ahmat, Managing Director & Wayne Challis Technical Director (Soil & plant nutrition) from Stocktech Australia., a new WA Co. that formulates environmentally friendly fertilisers and animal nutrition supplements. Finally, Frank Blackwell, Secretary of the WA Chrysanthemum Society Inc. told us about the best way to get stunning blooms whether for competition or in the garden, and introduced the small Charm and Cascade chrysanthemums.
Linda did a forum on feedback from the Great Gardens Workshop.
21 - June
Frances welcomed all members, new members and our three guest speakers. Kingsley’s photos of the fair were shown as a slide show.
Merrilyn then introduced each of our guest speakers: Peg Davies, who is currently the Waste Education Officer at Mindarie Regional Council where she tells us that she will talk rubbish to anyone who will listen. She visits schools and helps them set up recycling systems, composting, worm farming and school gardens with an emphasis on reducing the waste that we throw away. She also works in a voluntary capacity in community gardens and at a community centre. She is interested in community involvement and showing people how to transform rubbish into beauty and productivity She will told us about the education programme called ‘Earth Carers’.
Our second speaker was Marion Raad-Chenailler of Greentech. Marion is French and has been in Australia for 20 years. She has been importing the biodegradable plant fibre ‘fertilpot’ for 16 years, distributing them throughout Australia. Marion explained why she is convinced that biodegradable pots are the future for horticulture.
Tilley and Andrew Govanstone, who are presently in WA promoting their book, gave us a taste of their fascination with Alister Clark roses that led them to write “The Women Behind the Roses”. This book is the culmination of 25 years of research. The first print run is almost sold out and a second print is imminent. Many thanks go to Tilley and Andrew, who have generously donated a signed copy of their book to the Circle’s library.
19 - July
Frances welcomed everyone.
Last October, Carol Mansfield gave us a most interesting talk on garden plants from South America and their collectors. This time she returned to talk to us about plant hunting in the Himalayas.
Michael Konrath selected more than forty small trees that he suggests would be suitable for a small garden or courtyard, and Barbara Kerr did a plant profile on Iresines to acquaint us with their showy foliage.
16 - August
Speakers were:
*Phil Palmer, a landscape architect with the National Trust of Australia (WA), responsible for the care and management of the grounds and landscape settings of their many properties throughout Western Australia;
*Dan Dowsett, the Bee Whisperer from the WA Apiarists’ Society. He spoke on Bees and Honey in Suburbia
*Frances Docherty took us on a pictorial, botanical trip of her holiday in Scotland in May 2010.
20 - September
Louise, Aileen and Frances went to the Jean Willis Aged Care Centre and gave a presentation with the theme, ‘Gardening into your later years’. If there is a similar request in the future, there could be a call for volunteers.
Speakers were:
*Liz Compagnoni who has been a poultry breeder for over 40 years, firstly breeding for her own pleasure, then venturing into exhibition of her poultry, winning many awards for quality.
*Bob Dixon, manager of biodiversity and extensions at Kings Park, who took us behind the scenes and showed us that there is more to Kings Park than lawns, gardens, playgrounds and bushland.
*Michael Konrath reviewed 3 DVDs – The Heart of a Garden, Waterwise Gardening and How to grow Trees and Shrubs by Tom Petherick.
18 - October
Frances made us aware that next year (2011/12) the President and Vice President will be retiring after 3 years, the Treasurer and Programmer will be unable to continue, so the Circle will be looking for new committee persons. Michael Konrath has nominated for the Special Events coordinator position. Matija Vassilou has nominated for the Treasurer’s position.
Members were reminded to bring any books that they no longer wanted for our second hand book table at the Fair.
Speakers were:
*Ty Webb who has been on the committee for most of the 25 years he has been with the Bonsai Society of WA (Inc). As he told us about the principles of bonsai, he worked on a Lilly Pilly.
*Don Grieves gave us some very useful tips on growing and having fun breeding Louisiana Iris.
*Pam Hind gave us her hints on Photographing Gardens and Flowers
*Linda Green who gave us an update on the equipment now available for use at the Circle meetings, and tips on how to prepare your material to simplify your digital presentations.
15 - November
In addition to previous nominations for the committee Jean Holbrook has now nominated as the kitchen coordinator, and Cynthia Mahony will be the new programmer.
*The evening meeting commenced with a lively flower arranging demonstration by Barbara Kerr and Anita Emery.
*Following this, Jeanne Black, Katherine Ardizzone and Margy Clema were awarded life membership. After sharing with us some of their early memories of the Circle, Frances presented each of them with the Gardeners’ Circle Life Member badge and a flower arrangement to mark the special occasion.
*Each member received a plant - an early Christmas gift from the Gardeners’ Circle.
*This was followed by a special Christmas Country Supper, the last for 2010.